Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year - New Beginning

Well with the close of 2008 coming upon us and 2009 soon to be here it will be a New Year with a New Beginning with a new President who says he will bring change. Well change is nice but unfortunately every President elected to office says he will bring change to the country. They make promises in their campaigns but somehow they don't always keep. But let's hope that the changes that he does make will help the economy and the unemployment in the country and people losing their homes because of no jobs.

Some of the changes I would like to make for 2009 in my business is:

  1. Work on getting my website more notice and keep the website fresh and updated.
  2. Find new ways to promote my business from the website to doing other ways of promotions.
  3. Work on getting more home parties in my area.
  4. Open the door for others to get involved and help them with their business.

On a more personal note:

  1. Work on family togetherness.
  2. Lose the weight I gained over the holidays and if lose more that is a plus...lol
  3. Keep my desk more organized (funny how things gets put on there and it doesn't even deal with my business. Hubby throws things on there too.
So lets hope that the changes I make both business wise and personal helps me be more organized and ready for 2009. So from my family to yours I wish you JOY, HEALTH, AND PROSPERITY for the 2009.

Take care and Happy Businessing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Retail vs Online Shopping

With the click of the mouse we can go anywhere and shop for interesting and unique items. We don't even have to spend any money for gas and with the price of gas these past few months that is one point in favor of online shopping. But also the one thing we need to remember is the fact that we will have to pay shipping charges to have our products delivered to us from our friendly brown Truck the UPS delivery.
But is there advantage of shopping at our local retail stores vs Online shopping on the internet. Well let see what facts we come up with:
1.Most Online sales deals with you either paying by credit card or by Pay Pal. And then you need to wait for the product to be shipped to you.
Retail Sales you just go to the store and pay for the product right there and then take it home.
2.With Online sales you can find almost any style or make of the product that you are looking for but the drawback you can't test the product out to see if it works or not. But they do offer product reviews and all the specifications of that product. Most reputable sites will tell you the availiablity of the product.
Retail sales has a limited amount of product but you can test the product to see if it is working or not and they are limited to style depending on your area in most cases.
3.Online sales can offer lower prices cause they don't have the overhead, rent space and other aspects of being a retail store. They can offer “percentage off” discounts by offering a cod of some sort after a minimum purchase.
Retail sales has sales by slashing prices with a coupon or a store discount.
4.Online sales depending on where you live may have to apply sales tax. And in some cases shipping charges but some offer free shipping or a discount code for shipping the product to you.
Retail sales you pay local sales tax and no shipping charges.
With both Online and retail sales the risk of giving your personal credit information is the same. Both try to be as secure as possible but there is a chance that identity theft happens.
So it really depends on you and where you want to buy your product whether you shop online or go retail. And if you are a little apprehensive then do some research before you make that buying decision.
To me personally I like the online shopping experience and it has one advantage over the retail. You don't have to feel rushed when you shop online. A good example is the Thanksgiving After Sales. The mad rush getting there and waiting to be the first in line when the store opens up and then running toward that one item that you are shopping for. I have worked retail and my first experience at this event was to say at least terrifying. I've seen women literally take a product out of another's cart just cause there wasn't another one available. The stress level is high on the employees cause they are trying to satisfy the customers need. So given the experience of retail and shopping online, give me online any day. I can sit back relax, drink a cup of coffee and shop till my hearts content in the comfort of my home without having to use any gas, getting out in the cold and fighting the crowds.
Till next time. Take care and happy Businesssing !!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tis The Season

Well it is the holiday season and the time of the year that everyone smiles and says hello to another. Why is it that when it is the holidays it brings out the best in all of us? When in all rights it should be all year round that we are kind and thoughtful to one another.
I always loved the holidays but just don't care for the mad rush to get the “in” item for that year for the kids. Which now that my kids are all grown up and have kids of their own, just not sure what the “in” thing is this year. Now for my granddaughter Laci who is 6 well she will be easy to find something for cause she is into “Hannah Montana”. Get her anything in that category and she will be a happy camper.
Now my youngest grandson Bryce he is just 1, he won't be hard to buy for at all. Just give him an empty box and he will be happy but of course I wouldn't do that to him. He will have fun with just about anything at this stage in his life.
Now my grandson Bryan he is 2 years old and he's into firetrucks, Bob the Builder, and even Barney at this point. He likes Thomas the Train too! So he will be pretty easy to please on his Christmas gift too.
My biggest challenge will be my grandson Daniel who is 8. What do you get an 8 year old that isn't into trucks, or Erecto Sets. He likes Playstation games
but has plenty of them. He will be my challenge that is for sure but I'm sure I will find something for him.
Now for my grown kids and their spouses, a real simple remedy. I will just give them a Gift card and then they can choose what ever they like cause then I wouldn't have to hear, “Mom I don't like this, it's not my style.” That I have heard a few hundred times in the past few years. I've learned not to buy my daughter's clothes cause my style and their's is completely different. So I figured it's just easier on all of us to get the gift card for all and then they can choose whatever their little hearts desires.
Now for hubby, he's a complete mystery what to get him cause he isn't into working around the house so tools in that matter is a no go. He's not a mechanic per say, I got him this certain saw that he wanted for Christmas 6 years ago and it is still sitting in the box that it came in. He claims he will use it someday but that day will not come cause he isn't the type to fix things the right way. He's from the old school just fix it fast and get it over with, or not fix it all.
Now for me, I am really simple to please at this point. My one wish is to get my business going and being a success and getting that first sale. I'm seeing the traffic come through to the website but no sales and that can be alittle frustrating and I knew when I started that it was going to be a climb to get there but was hoping that with the holidays it would help in the sales area. But so far nothing so the anticipation will be rewarding when it does happen. But for now will work on my blog and keeping the attention toward the website.
So for this holiday season I would like to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a better New Year for us all. From my House to yours “Happy Holidays!” Hope your holiday Season is filled with joyous happiness and please be careful traveling out and about.
Take care and Happy Businessssing !!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

"Why People Collect"

It was asked why people collect a lot of things that it fills their house that they can't live like that anymore. Well some say it is a non-clinical opinion and shouldn't be taken as medial advice at all, but some have came up with a term for this behavior as, “Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior.” This is where they keep or collect everything like a pack rat. Some have it so bad that they need to take medication and with the help of a professional can see where their behavior is dysfunctional and realize that they do need some help for this destructive behavior.
There is no limit to what has been or what might be collected. Some collections have been brought down from generation to generation, some are everyday things that we may find like program flyers from special events, or even badges. Others are more particular on what they collect anything from baseball cards, coins, stamps, military items and spoons from around the country. We possibly know or have such a collection ourselves.
So what motivates a person to collect a certain item? This is some reasons that I have come up with.
It gives them enjoyment
A family Heirloom
It's an investment
It's a conversation piece
So where do you go and find something to collect? You can find things at auctions, swap meets, antique shops, catalogs, the internet, even going to a junk yard, you may find some treasure. You know that saying, “Someone's trash is someone else's treasure.”
Rockin Roxs Gifts has many things to offer with over 3000 items I'm sure there is something to add or even start a collection. How about Clocks, maybe Eagles is your things. We even have swords and fantasy items. Just so many things that I have that I couldn't get it all on the website. So will be changing it from time to time and you never know what I will have on there so you have to come back often. If you're interested in learning more just pop me an email at roxalan@cableone.net and I will be more than happy to let you know what else I have to offer.
Well time for me to go for now... Take care and Happy Businesssssssssssssing everyone!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Direct Selling Pt 2

Wikipedia defines “direct selling” a channel for a distribution of goods and services. At a basic level defined as marketing and selling products, person to person away from fixed retail location. Sales are made through party plans and other personal contact.
The one thing that a person shouldn't be is afraid of selling. But there is a few who has that fear of selling in front of people. So how do we overcome the fear of Selling? The first thing is figure out exactly what you're afraid of. Does the thought of success scare you? Or could it be the thought of rejection? Do you fear that maybe you're being pushy? Or maybe the product doesn't meet the expectations of your customers?
After you figure out what you're scared of then selling becomes as natural as breathing, especially if you love what you're selling. You have to believe in what you're selling or you will never get very far and will be giving up just as quick as you started. Did you know that people by nature are natural born sellers? If you go to the movies or to a restaurant and you like what you seen or what you have eaten you naturally go and tell family and friends about it. You wouldn't think twice about not selling the idea of that movie or that restaurant, so it shouldn't be so hard to sell what you believe in, but somehow we just can't seem to get the words out as easy. I feel a lot of it is the fact that we feel guilty that we are taking money from family and friends. What you need to do is place them in another category, such as “Potential customer” and then sell them your product and then move them from “Potential customer” to “Customer.”
But until you take the fear of selling out of your vocabulary it will hold you back. So hope that this gives you the courage to overcome the fear and the misconception that it isn't impossible to sell to family and friends. Sometimes that is what it takes to make that first sale and get the word out. The best form of advertisment is “Word of mouth” and your family and friends can help spread the word.
Take care till next time and happy businessssssssssing!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Direct Sales

Direct sales is the process of taking a company's product and selling it as an independent salesperson. Which has been dominated mainly by women mostly. Most women go into Avon, Mary Kay, Tupperware, but now that is fading. Mainly cause more women are having to join the workforce and any type of direct sales is fading by the wayside.
In 1996, there was 8.5 million people working in Direct Marketing. Over a 10 year period, direct sales has risen to a growth of 5.5%. So what drives people to do direct marketing? Well about 36% of people do it for additional income. About 31% do it as a full time job. 29% do it to get free things and the other 4% do it for other reasons altogether, according to Direct Selling Association.
Direct Sales have been able to make a come back with embracing Internet sales to the equation. By using the Internet you can put more products out there for the consumer and it is also more convenient for people by using their credit card and getting it within a few days in most cases. By using the INTERNET, direct sellers don't have to use shelf space and is able to move products with little capital involved in some cases.
The interment has given direct sales another tool by recruiting sellers and luring buyers. By using the INTERNET you can check your sales volume easier, order products online. Some companies will even ship directly to the customer and if there is a problem well you just have to track it down and replace it. We have come a long way since the time of going door to door like in the 1950's.
By being in direct sales this allows you to be your own boss and how many of us would love to fire our boss? You're able to work the hours that you want depending what motivates you to work. You can make as little as $200 a month to a six figure income. It just depends on you and how much motivation you need to get there.
Take care and Happy Businesssssssssing!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Time to Give Thanks

This is the time of year that we give thanks for the bountiful harvest or thanks for being able to be financially afloat with these hard ecomonic times and our thanks to the men and women who have served our country past, present and future. Some gave it their all and others gave all they had but we are proud of our men and women and thankful that they chose to serve our country with pride. We have plenty to be thankful for but we just don't always say it to the ones who means the most to us.

Well I am given this chance to say something so going to do that right now. First, I want to say thank you to my family who have given me the love and support in my business and is always there for me. Second, to my friends who offer me their encouragement along with their support and being there when I need someone. Third, to my Mom Pack Group who is helping me getting the word out about my business with exchanging links to a newcomer. It's nice to know that you have support from others.

But my biggest Thank you is to God for giving me Life, family and friends without him I would be nobody. There was an email that was sent to me and I thought it was beautiful written. I don't know the author but hope you all enjoy. You may have seen it before but it's worth repeating.

Dear GOD:

I want to thank You for what you have already done. I am not going to wait until I see results or receive rewards; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until I feel better or things look better; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until people say they are sorry or until they stop talking about me; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until the pain in my body disappears ; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until my financial situation improves; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until the children are asleep and the house is quiet; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I get promoted at work or until I get the job; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I understand every experience in my life that has caused me pain or grief; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until the journey gets easier or the challenges are removed;
I am thanking you right now. I am thanking you because I am alive. I am thanking you because I made it through the day's difficulties. I am thanking you because I have walked around the obstacles. I am thanking you because I have the ability and the opportunity to do moreand do better. I'm thanking you, because FATHER, YOU haven't given up on me. God is just so good, and He's good all the time.

May your troubles be less, your blessings be more,
And nothing but happiness come through your door!

Take care and Happy businessssing!!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008



"Cutlery Caddy" - a versatile distressed Wood Caddy
in a classic Colonial American Style. Measures 9"x3 3/4" x 9 1/2" high.

Regular price: $12.95 Sale Price: $9.95

Go to http://www.rockinroxsgifts.com/ and click on Kitchen accessories and get yours today.

"Soaring Eagle Scenic Plaque" - A wonderful wall plaque of the magificiant eagle soaring in the air. Each of the wings contains a separate scene of majestic mountain beauty. 15"x 1/2" x 13" high.

Regular price $16.95 Sale Price$15.25

Go to http://www.rockinroxsgifts.com/ click on Eagles link and get yours today.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Are You Getting The Word Out?

No business today can not go without some form of advertising. You can't even turn on the Tv or flip a page in a magazine or newspaper without seeing some ad in front of you.
So without advertisements a business can't be noticed. So are Ads imporant to a Business? Yes very much so!
So where do we go about finding a place to place ads? Well newspapers have people that create ads and commericals are advertisement for Television, but on the interenet you have to find sites that will allow you to place ads for your business. Then you have to create your own ad. There are sites that will allow you to create and place your ads for free and that is a good place to get started especially when you have a low budget. The nice thing you have control on what is placed on the ads and you know what works best for you. It's a good place to learn about advertising for those of us who are beginners on the free sites what will work and what doesn't work.
You can also find places where you can do "pay per click" ads. Where you set up a "ad words" and when they type in that word then they go to your site and you will be charged a small fee each time they click on the site. You also need to set up a budget for how much you want to pay for these type of ads. Google and Facebook are some the popular sites that use this concept. So do some research on what type of service you want to use.
But to get exposure to your site you have to use some sort of advertisement. It's just a given thing. No exposure no business!
Some of the ways I've advertise since starting my business is low key right now till I see where it takes me. I'm doing the free ads sites and Google Adwords but one of the main things I'm doing is doing link exhanges with other entreprenuer's, that is spreading the word out there that you are open for business. Its helps you get traffic and it helps the other websites get traffic to theirs. So get the chance to some link exchanges take them up on it. It's good exposure and you're helping others too. If I had to recommend one form of advertising that would be the one I recommend over the others for this is the next best thing to word of mouth that you can get for being on the internet.
But no matter how you look at it, advertising is the way to get your business noticed. Without it you might as well have a blank website cause you will not get noticed.
Good luck and till next time. Happy Businessing!!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

When I first sat down to write this blog, I must admit that I was stumped. What could I write about that would be both interesting and beneficial to my readers? After much thought, one term jumped to my mind – networking.Networking has two main definitions. The first, and most common, is “the act of meeting new people in a business context.” The second, and most applicable to this blog, is “the act of working using a computer network, the act of connecting computers into a network.”Everyone networks. Be it the difficult customer that always calls work, or Facebook accounts that put ones best face foward, nearly every encounter with the public could be a networking opportunity.
As a new business owner, I searched for some networking opportunities online. I wanted both information and support. That way if I ran across something I did not understand in my business I could ask someone or at the very least have people supporting me in my search. I found in my searches for groups to join a couple neat groups on Yahoo, "Powerful_Eneprenuer" and TheMomPack Group. Both of these group deal with women and their businesses. These sites offer support, ideas and networking. There is no selling – we all have our own businesses after all. These groups are just to help one along the way to a better business. I found in my searches for groups to join a couple neat groups on Yahoo, "Powerful_Eneprenuer" and TheMomPack Group. Both of these group deal with women and their businesses. These sites offer support, ideas and networking. There is no selling – we all have our own businesses after all. These groups are just to help one along the way to a better business. If you're in business for yourself and would like to check these groups out I recommend that you do. Go under the Yahoo Group Link and business and finance group heading. Both of these groups are geared toward women, however, there are many available for both genders as well. Here are the links if you would like to take a peek now... http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/powerful_entrepreneur/ or http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/themompack/
You won't be sorry to check these groups out. Happy Business-ing!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Merchandising refers to the methods, practices and operation to promote and sustain categories of activity of items.

Promoting Merchandising:

Merchandising is commonly used in marketing, maximizing sales using product design, pricing and selection that will have the consumer spend more because it will entice the consumer to buy the product.

In the world of merchandising it will differ cause of cultural customs, like holidays that we celebrate all over the world and then you have seasonal issues with different climates and recreation during that season.

In the U.S. the basic retail merchandising cycle begins in January for the holiday of Valentine's Day which is in February. But then comes the Easter holiday with the thought of springtime and the preparation of garden related merchandise. And then of course we have our Mother's Day, Graduation, Father's Day, with some major merchandising will be spent on these holidays.
Then of course with the coming of summer we have outdoor activities that will deliver a complete different type of merchandising products out on the shelves. Then we start to see that the coming of the Fall season will bring out three holidays with the merchandising displays in September for Halloween, Thanksgiving and of course the biggest Merchandising season of all is Christmas. But that is what Retailers will use for the Merchandising cycle what ever it takes to get the consumer to buy. Did you know that 70% of retail purchases are unplanned. That is why a well merchandise display helps the consumer make that impulse buying decision.

So here is some Online Buying Safety Tips:

Shopping online is fast and there is a whole world of products and services out on the internet now. So how do you know if you have reached a safe site. Well hopefully with these tips I can help you make your shopping experience a little more comfortable with these little bit of tidbits of information.

  • When shopping on the internet you need to exercise the same care and judgement that you would do when you go to a retail store or at the mall.

  • The same laws that protect you when you shop by phone or mail, applies when you shop online. Under the law, the company must ship your order within the time stated on their website. If no time is given then the company must ship your order within 30 days. If they are unable to ship within that time period, they you have the option to cancel the order and get a prompt refund.

  • Take the time to read the shipping and handling policies. Merchants aren't obligated to accept items for refunds, exchanged or credit unless the items is defective or was misrepresented.

  • Don't disclose to much information unless you know who is collecting and how they plan to use that information. Send them an email and ask them how the information is going to be used if you feel uncomfortable.

  • Compare prices if you feel the need to and look at the shipping and handling fees. Order early to avoid the holiday rush so you won't have that extra delivery charge for a rush order.

  • Credit card transactions are protected by the Fair Billing Act, which covers disputes over no delivered or misrepresented merchandise. If you're worried about providing the information over the internet then call the merchant and tell them your information over the phone.

  • Keep good records and print a copy of your order for confirmation.

  • If something goes wrong contact the merchant first cause they will more likely want to keep your business and will work with you to resolve the complaint. But if you get no satisfaction you definitely will not be doing business with them again and it is your option to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.

I hope that some of these tips makes your Online Shopping expereience alittle bit more enjoyable.

Till next time. Take care and have a great day!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gift Giving

A gift or present is a transfer of something without the need of compensation. A gift is a voluntary act which does not require anything in return. The term gift can be refered to something that makes a person happy or less sad.


It could be:

Expressions of love or friendships

Expressions of gratitude for a gift recieved

Customs or Celebrations:

  • A birthday

  • Christmas

  • Weddings

  • Wedding anniversary

  • A Birth

  • Father's Day

  • Mother's Day

  • Graduation

  • Bridal Shower

  • Retirement

General Gift Giving Rules of Thumb

We have been looking for many years for the perfect gift that can be bought for any occasion. If we had a etiquette book it would be very simple just refer to it anytime we needed a gift idea but that isn't the case all the time. But maybe this will help some.

When you're invited to a special occasion such as a birthday or wedding, it is easier cause we know the guest and so finding the perfect gift usually just requires some thought. Sometimes the guest of honor is registered at a special retail store so you have many different ideas to choose from and sometimes it's just easier to get a gift card and let the guest of honor choose their own gift.

Now when you're invited to a dinner party that could be alittle more tricker. Especially if you don't know your host but if you are friends of the host then by all means feel free to bring a gift to your hosts.

History of Gift Giving

The custom of gift giving was traced back to the Roman period. It was the custom to present the Emperor with some good luck tokens called "strenae." The Roman strenae were originally twigs, Christmas gifts in sixteenth-century Germany showed a connection with the twigs or rods of St. Martin and St. Nicholas. They were tied together in a bundle and this was regarded as not a lucky twig but as a rod in the sinster sense.

But the history could even be traced alittle further back to the Babylonian period with Nimrod and his wife with the birth of their son in December. Part of the gift giving in the Western World is now tied with the giving of gifts by the Three Wise Men to the birth of Jesus, which we now celebrate as Christmas.

Biggest Gift Giving Season

Well I don't think it takes a genius to figure out which time of the season is the biggest GiftLink giving time. Of course it is when St. Nick comes and visit all the good boys and girls all over the world. But the holiday season can be both rewarding and stressful time of the year. But with some thought it don't have to be so stressful and everyone loves to receive gifts as much as giving gifts. So with some thought you could have a wonderful experience with the gifts this year.

Gifts can be anywhere from the wackiest to the most memorable novelty that a person can give which are well thought out and useful. Here is a list to help you with your thought process on a gift idea for that special someone.

  • do they have a special interest in certain sports like nascar racing

  • do they have a collection like roosters

  • do they need something in particular like clocks

  • how about something spiritual

So check out the gift suggestions and have fun giving to others.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Welcome To Rockin Roxs Blog


Would like to welcome you to Rockin Roxs Blog and hope you come back often to see what may be new or upcoming in my adventure of being an Entrepreneur. Learning to create a website was interesting and sometimes it was frustrating but I learned something out of it. Thank goodness for the Chat support I had and I'm sure that they said oh no she's back but was very kind in helping me.
Everyone wants to feel financially stable in their life and would like to be able to feel that they can provide some type of future. Well that is the purpose of my business here, I've been involved in pyramid schemes and felt that wasn't for me at all... Why make money for the top guys and you nothing. So when I was looking into something for myself I thought what about home decor and novelty items, most of the shopping is done by woman for the home and buying gifts for family and friends so it made sense for me to find something along that line. And that is how my business was created.
I have array of different items on the website and the products will be changed from time to time to show all the different home decor items. Products for inside your home to outside your home to make your living space enjoyable and relaxing. There is unique items from Country roosters, clocks, sports, etc. So check it out and come back often never know when something new will be on display. Talk to you soon and thank you for stopping by, love to hear from ya so drop me a line and let me know what you think or what you like. Take care and have a wonderful day everyone.
