No business today can not go without some form of advertising. You can't even turn on the Tv or flip a page in a magazine or newspaper without seeing some ad in front of you.
So without advertisements a business can't be noticed. So are Ads imporant to a Business? Yes very much so!
So where do we go about finding a place to place ads? Well newspapers have people that create ads and commericals are advertisement for Television, but on the interenet you have to find sites that will allow you to place ads for your business. Then you have to create your own ad. There are sites that will allow you to create and place your ads for free and that is a good place to get started especially when you have a low budget. The nice thing you have control on what is placed on the ads and you know what works best for you. It's a good place to learn about advertising for those of us who are beginners on the free sites what will work and what doesn't work.
You can also find places where you can do "pay per click" ads. Where you set up a "ad words" and when they type in that word then they go to your site and you will be charged a small fee each time they click on the site. You also need to set up a budget for how much you want to pay for these type of ads. Google and Facebook are some the popular sites that use this concept. So do some research on what type of service you want to use.
But to get exposure to your site you have to use some sort of advertisement. It's just a given thing. No exposure no business!
Some of the ways I've advertise since starting my business is low key right now till I see where it takes me. I'm doing the free ads sites and Google Adwords but one of the main things I'm doing is doing link exhanges with other entreprenuer's, that is spreading the word out there that you are open for business. Its helps you get traffic and it helps the other websites get traffic to theirs. So get the chance to some link exchanges take them up on it. It's good exposure and you're helping others too. If I had to recommend one form of advertising that would be the one I recommend over the others for this is the next best thing to word of mouth that you can get for being on the internet.
But no matter how you look at it, advertising is the way to get your business noticed. Without it you might as well have a blank website cause you will not get noticed.
Good luck and till next time. Happy Businessing!!!!!!
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