Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Merchandising refers to the methods, practices and operation to promote and sustain categories of activity of items.

Promoting Merchandising:

Merchandising is commonly used in marketing, maximizing sales using product design, pricing and selection that will have the consumer spend more because it will entice the consumer to buy the product.

In the world of merchandising it will differ cause of cultural customs, like holidays that we celebrate all over the world and then you have seasonal issues with different climates and recreation during that season.

In the U.S. the basic retail merchandising cycle begins in January for the holiday of Valentine's Day which is in February. But then comes the Easter holiday with the thought of springtime and the preparation of garden related merchandise. And then of course we have our Mother's Day, Graduation, Father's Day, with some major merchandising will be spent on these holidays.
Then of course with the coming of summer we have outdoor activities that will deliver a complete different type of merchandising products out on the shelves. Then we start to see that the coming of the Fall season will bring out three holidays with the merchandising displays in September for Halloween, Thanksgiving and of course the biggest Merchandising season of all is Christmas. But that is what Retailers will use for the Merchandising cycle what ever it takes to get the consumer to buy. Did you know that 70% of retail purchases are unplanned. That is why a well merchandise display helps the consumer make that impulse buying decision.

So here is some Online Buying Safety Tips:

Shopping online is fast and there is a whole world of products and services out on the internet now. So how do you know if you have reached a safe site. Well hopefully with these tips I can help you make your shopping experience a little more comfortable with these little bit of tidbits of information.

  • When shopping on the internet you need to exercise the same care and judgement that you would do when you go to a retail store or at the mall.

  • The same laws that protect you when you shop by phone or mail, applies when you shop online. Under the law, the company must ship your order within the time stated on their website. If no time is given then the company must ship your order within 30 days. If they are unable to ship within that time period, they you have the option to cancel the order and get a prompt refund.

  • Take the time to read the shipping and handling policies. Merchants aren't obligated to accept items for refunds, exchanged or credit unless the items is defective or was misrepresented.

  • Don't disclose to much information unless you know who is collecting and how they plan to use that information. Send them an email and ask them how the information is going to be used if you feel uncomfortable.

  • Compare prices if you feel the need to and look at the shipping and handling fees. Order early to avoid the holiday rush so you won't have that extra delivery charge for a rush order.

  • Credit card transactions are protected by the Fair Billing Act, which covers disputes over no delivered or misrepresented merchandise. If you're worried about providing the information over the internet then call the merchant and tell them your information over the phone.

  • Keep good records and print a copy of your order for confirmation.

  • If something goes wrong contact the merchant first cause they will more likely want to keep your business and will work with you to resolve the complaint. But if you get no satisfaction you definitely will not be doing business with them again and it is your option to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.

I hope that some of these tips makes your Online Shopping expereience alittle bit more enjoyable.

Till next time. Take care and have a great day!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gift Giving

A gift or present is a transfer of something without the need of compensation. A gift is a voluntary act which does not require anything in return. The term gift can be refered to something that makes a person happy or less sad.


It could be:

Expressions of love or friendships

Expressions of gratitude for a gift recieved

Customs or Celebrations:

  • A birthday

  • Christmas

  • Weddings

  • Wedding anniversary

  • A Birth

  • Father's Day

  • Mother's Day

  • Graduation

  • Bridal Shower

  • Retirement

General Gift Giving Rules of Thumb

We have been looking for many years for the perfect gift that can be bought for any occasion. If we had a etiquette book it would be very simple just refer to it anytime we needed a gift idea but that isn't the case all the time. But maybe this will help some.

When you're invited to a special occasion such as a birthday or wedding, it is easier cause we know the guest and so finding the perfect gift usually just requires some thought. Sometimes the guest of honor is registered at a special retail store so you have many different ideas to choose from and sometimes it's just easier to get a gift card and let the guest of honor choose their own gift.

Now when you're invited to a dinner party that could be alittle more tricker. Especially if you don't know your host but if you are friends of the host then by all means feel free to bring a gift to your hosts.

History of Gift Giving

The custom of gift giving was traced back to the Roman period. It was the custom to present the Emperor with some good luck tokens called "strenae." The Roman strenae were originally twigs, Christmas gifts in sixteenth-century Germany showed a connection with the twigs or rods of St. Martin and St. Nicholas. They were tied together in a bundle and this was regarded as not a lucky twig but as a rod in the sinster sense.

But the history could even be traced alittle further back to the Babylonian period with Nimrod and his wife with the birth of their son in December. Part of the gift giving in the Western World is now tied with the giving of gifts by the Three Wise Men to the birth of Jesus, which we now celebrate as Christmas.

Biggest Gift Giving Season

Well I don't think it takes a genius to figure out which time of the season is the biggest GiftLink giving time. Of course it is when St. Nick comes and visit all the good boys and girls all over the world. But the holiday season can be both rewarding and stressful time of the year. But with some thought it don't have to be so stressful and everyone loves to receive gifts as much as giving gifts. So with some thought you could have a wonderful experience with the gifts this year.

Gifts can be anywhere from the wackiest to the most memorable novelty that a person can give which are well thought out and useful. Here is a list to help you with your thought process on a gift idea for that special someone.

  • do they have a special interest in certain sports like nascar racing

  • do they have a collection like roosters

  • do they need something in particular like clocks

  • how about something spiritual

So check out the gift suggestions and have fun giving to others.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Welcome To Rockin Roxs Blog


Would like to welcome you to Rockin Roxs Blog and hope you come back often to see what may be new or upcoming in my adventure of being an Entrepreneur. Learning to create a website was interesting and sometimes it was frustrating but I learned something out of it. Thank goodness for the Chat support I had and I'm sure that they said oh no she's back but was very kind in helping me.
Everyone wants to feel financially stable in their life and would like to be able to feel that they can provide some type of future. Well that is the purpose of my business here, I've been involved in pyramid schemes and felt that wasn't for me at all... Why make money for the top guys and you nothing. So when I was looking into something for myself I thought what about home decor and novelty items, most of the shopping is done by woman for the home and buying gifts for family and friends so it made sense for me to find something along that line. And that is how my business was created.
I have array of different items on the website and the products will be changed from time to time to show all the different home decor items. Products for inside your home to outside your home to make your living space enjoyable and relaxing. There is unique items from Country roosters, clocks, sports, etc. So check it out and come back often never know when something new will be on display. Talk to you soon and thank you for stopping by, love to hear from ya so drop me a line and let me know what you think or what you like. Take care and have a wonderful day everyone.
